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Financing plans

Concoe nuestros planes de financiamiento para pacientes de Miramar Family Dental

At MiraMar Family Dental, we understand that certain dental treatment costs may be beyond the immediate financial capabilities of some patients without sufficient resources or dental insurance. That’s why we’ve partnered with Cherry so you can have the chance to treat today and pay later.

Cherry is a financing platform that allows you to break large payments into more manageable monthly installments, and it’s a smart way to avoid putting off your health. Rather, you postpone payment.

How does it work?

Select from a variety of monthly payment plans, some of which qualify for 0% APR options. Thanks to Cherry’s fast application process, you’ll be able to get access in no time. All you need is your ID and your phone number to get started. If approved, you will be able to manage payment options and have control and access to Cherry’s 24/7 patient self-service portal .

Why Cherry?

Treat now and pay later with Cherry and MiraMar Family Dental.

Let your money go further and take better control of your cash flow when you pay in smaller, more manageable monthly installments with Cherry.