Endodontics or Root Canal
dental services

Endodontics, also known as root canal treatment or Root Canal, is a procedure performed to save a tooth or molar damaged by an infection caused by deep decay, dental trauma or wear.  Infection or damage can affect the dental pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains the nerves and blood vessels. The treatment focuses on removing the affected dental pulp and replacing it with a biocompatible filling.

Types of endodontics according to the condition

Single canal endodontics

This is the simplest treatment and is performed on teeth with a single root canal, such as incisors or canines. The infected pulp is removed, the root canal is cleaned and filled. A temporary crown or filling is placed to protect the tooth.

Multi-canal endodontics

It is performed on teeth with two or more root canals, such as molars. The procedure is similar to that of a single canal, but more time and care are needed due to the complexity of the tooth anatomy. Several appointments may be needed to complete the treatment.

Sinus Lift (Sinus Lift)

It is necessary when a previous endodontic treatment has failed because of a persistent infection, a tooth fracture or a problem with the root canal filling material. The procedure is similar to an initial root canal, but may be more complex due to the presence of old filling material.

Root canan treatment infographic
Extracción de pulpa en tratameinto de endodoncia modelo 3D
Extracción de pulpa en Root canal
La endodoncia o Root Canal es un servicio que ofrecemos a nuestros pacientes en Miramar Family Dental

The endodontic service is performed in one or two appointments, and in most cases the procedure is painless.